Are you a condominium administrator?
If you manage a condominium, take advantage of our dedicated service. We competently analyze the utilities you manage, proposing ideal solutions with a single interlocutor always available.
Do you have a green spirit?
If like us you care about the environment, choose "green energy". We guarantee that the energy you use comes 100% from renewable sources.
Greater protection service: what is it
Protection services (protected market) are electricity and natural gas supply services with contractual and economic conditions defined by the Authority - ARERA, intended for small end customers, such as families and small businesses, who have not yet chosen a seller in the free market.
The legislation provided for the progressive transition from the protected market to the free one, with the following dates on which price protection services will no longer be available:
- For all small businesses and some micro-businesses, for the electricity supply service, the date is set for 1 January 2021 (to find out more).
- For families, it will be January 1, 2023.
Both families and small businesses can already now move from the protected market to the free market, where the customer can decide which seller and which type of contract to choose, selecting the offer best suited to their needs.
End customers who are in the protected market for the supply of electricity have received, since January 2018, information from their seller regarding the exceeding of price protections, according to methods defined by the Authority (for example, communications in the bill in the dedicated section to the Authority).
What will happen after the end of the protection?
After the price protection services will no longer be available, continuity of supply will still be guaranteed to all small customers who do not yet have a contract on the free market, in order to avoid any interruption during the period necessary to find a new offer.
These customers, after having chosen the one best suited to their needs among the various offers available, will stipulate a new supply contract to replace the previous one.
The new seller will forward the request for termination of the old contract (withdrawal) to the previous seller. Withdrawal can be exercised at any time, does not involve additional charges and takes place without interruption of the ongoing supply.
Never give your personal information or POD code to anyone you are unsure about. We constantly receive reports of customers being deceived using numerous tricks. Evaluate the reputation of the company they represent, but also carefully evaluate the reputation of the seller who comes to your home.
No company is authorized to ask for compensation for the replacement of electricity meters. If someone shows up at your door asking you to pay a fee to replace your meter, notify the authorities immediately.
Attenzione alle Truffe
Nel contesto del mercato libero, è fondamentale essere vigili e proteggersi da possibili truffe. Non fornire mai i tuoi dati personali o il codice POD a persone di cui non hai certezza. Verifica sempre
l'affidabilità dell'azienda e del venditore prima di prendere qualsiasi decisione.
Sostituzione del Contatore
Ricorda che la sostituzione del contatore di energia elettrica è sempre gratuita. Se qualcuno ti chiede un pagamento per questo servizio, si tratta di una truffa. Segnala immediatamente l'accaduto alle
autorità competenti.