"News on Net Metering: Recent Updates from the GSE"
The Energy Services Manager (GSE) has recently provided important updates regarding the timing of publication and payment of fees for Net Metering (SSP). These updates are particularly relevant for operators holding Net Metering agreements active as of 31 August 2022.
In particular, the deadline for the publication of the advance exchange contribution for the second half of 2022 has been postponed to 25 October 2022. Operators have been invited to proceed with invoicing on the first available date, and in any case by 30 October 2022 Furthermore, it has been specified that, by respecting this deadline and exceeding the minimum threshold established by the technical rules, the payment will take place by 2 December 2022.
The GSE has also published new Technical Rules which contain the criteria for defining and calculating the exchange contribution starting from 2016, thus providing clear direction to operators in the sector.
Additionally, clarification has been provided on how to access Net Metering in 2023, along with details on how the GSE Net Metering Account is calculated and how often the GSE is paid for surpluses.
These updates represent a clear guide for operators in the photovoltaic sector, allowing them to better plan their activities and understand the economic implications of Net Metering.